by Teddie (5-P-4)

The discovery of Transvestia and the Femme mir- or must of neccessity be one of the highlights of any TV's life since it is through these media that he leams more of his/her problems. Nevertheless, he/she may become confused and perplexed as a result of reading these publications since it my be difficult to identify himself with other TV's who appear to have facets to their TV existance which the reader may not have.

The purpose of this article is to assist the new reader of these publications to make a proper eval- uation, so that a source of comfort and information will continue to be available to him/her and to others.

My first impression on reading my first copy of Transvestia was to forget this publication and to re- tire to the solitary world of TVism that I had created for myself over the years. As many of you have done, I had read the magazine, evaluated it, and felt it fell short of my needs since I could not identify my- self with the TV personalities revealed in various ar- ticles whose activities were more active, daring and aggressive than my own.

However, I continued reading the publications, had a fairly long discussion with Virginia, submitted myself to subjective evaluation of myself and as a result modified my original impression. It would ap- pear to me that each TV is unique in that education, family status, economic condition, physical character- istics, opportunity for TVism are not the same at all. However we have one common bond that locks us all together and that is the compulsive desire to dress, look and act feminine.

The newer reader of Transvestia or the Femme- Mirror may be confronted with an article written by someone who is 5'4" tall, slightly built, and who
